What a funny universe

Stand up 1  – Destiny

We don’t know if destiny is pre designed or if we each have our own… but I have a theory on How mine works and recent glitches in that process are again smoothed out.  Hahaha.

Evidently the angels managing my destiny decided free will could be handled by auto dictation not seeing the flaws of A.I. (i.e. Facebook thinking it Knows my friends or not, failed human validation) 

Any Siri,Alexa,Google, user could see this coming.

Here’s z FUBAR – the genies had me “mowing lawns & bailing hay with Jake Johnson wearN sweaters” but what was actually said & intended was Singing songs & surfN  waves  with Jack Johnson & EdE Vetter.

Luckily the error was noticed quickly before major damage to myself or the the time space continuum , & someone up there must feel kinda bad, so heading to Hawaii 11/30

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